Laura and Kyle Deaver’s Fight Against BNSF’s Expansion

Imagine moving to a serene, rural neighborhood, thinking it would be your forever home, only to find out that an industrial project might soon alter your peaceful way of life. This is the reality for Laura and Kyle Deaver, longtime residents of a close-knit community, who have opened up about their experiences and concerns in an interview with Reece on the BNSF Wittmann podcast.

Finding Their Forever Home

Laura and Kyle Deaver first arrived in their current community in 2010, lured by the peaceful surroundings and warm neighborhood. Introduced by a friend, they initially rented a house for a year before purchasing it and settling down permanently in Wittmann, AZ.

“We stayed over on the street next to where we’re at right now. We stayed there for about a year and decided that this was the community that we wanted to put our roots down and established,” Laura explained.

Parenting in Peace

One of the most significant factors for the Deavers in choosing this location was safety. The communal environment ensured that Kyrie was never out of sight for too long, thanks to vigilant neighbors and the safe, outdoor-friendly surroundings.

“It’s been life-changing, but being out here, it makes it a lot easier. We don’t have to, you know, watch her every second,” Laura explained. “They’re happy and they’re safe; they can play outside, and they’re out here all the time.”

The Encroaching Threat

However, the idyllic life the Deavers have built for themselves is now under threat. BNSF is planning a massive logistics project that could bring unprecedented levels of noise, traffic, and general disruption to the neighborhood. The proposed project includes an increase of around 40,000 semi-trucks each month, or approximately 11,000 trucks a day, a far cry from the current traffic levels.

“If they run out more horse people, that decreases the amount of customers that I have hauling to me, which some of my customers haul here to shoe here. Hauling to me would be almost impossible with the noise and stuff,” Kyle pointed out.

Unbearable Noise and Safety Concerns

The noise from the proposed project alone has stirred considerable anxiety among the residents. According to Kyle, they can already hear a small car from a half-mile away at night, so the idea of having a rail yard just 600 yards from their fence is terrifying.

“The noise would be just excessive. At night, we can hear a train, and it sounds like the horn is next door, and right now, the tracks are almost a mile away,” Kyle emphasized.

Besides the noise, safety issues, especially concerning traffic, loom large in the minds of Laura and Kyle. With herds of children and animals, the influx of semis poses a significant threat to their way of life.

The Battle for Kyrie’s Future

For Laura, the impact on their daughter, Kyrie, haunts her thoughts. Having dealt with serious health issues at a young age, Kyrie cherishes the peace and security of their home. The incessant noise from a rail yard would mean a drastic change to her daily life, potentially disrupting her sleep and general well-being.

“She had a lot of health issues when she was little and spent a lot of time sleeping with us because we were concerned for her,” Laura recounted. “Now we finally got her comfortable in her own room, in her own bed. Now I feel like that’s going to be completely going backwards.”

Lack of Accountability and Community Efforts

Laura and Kyle aren’t just sitting back and letting this happen without a fight. They have reached out to various county and state leaders and have garnered some support, but mostly they’ve encountered bureaucratic red tape and dismissive attitudes.

“I’ve talked to county leaders, I’ve talked to state leaders, I’ve talked to state Representatives… At the county level, it’s fallen on deaf ears,” noted Laura.

However, the couple is not without hope. They have dedicated countless hours to researching and finding ways to challenge the project, gathering community support to make their voices heard.

Finding Solace Amidst Chaos

In the midst of this turmoil, the Deavers find moments of peace in the very lifestyle they are fighting to protect. They cherish the time they spend in their tranquil surroundings, watching their daughter play outside and riding their horses. “You watch your kids play outside…and just embrace the days that you have and pray that you have a lot more of them,” Laura reflects.